+243 975 407 126
Date of Birth:
06 March 1982
Civil Engineer in Electrical Engineering, Works at the Free University of the Great Lakes Countries "ULPGL" as a Laboratory Technician
Why did you choose to join this political party, what are your motivations:
I myself am the initiator for the creation of the political party ''CCC/RDC''. The reasons are such that, 11 years ago, more precisely in 2011, I decided to get involved in politics to fulfill my duty as a citizen. I then made it my first duty to study the spirit of the political parties in my country before I got involved. After a long period of reflection, that is to say from 2011 to 2015, I understood that the majority of political party leaders in my country create political parties not to manage the country in accordance with the principles of good governance, but rather to get rich easily and quickly by using illegally in the coffers of the State by the embezzlement of public funds and by other fraudulent means. And to secure the goods they dishonestly amassed during their previous mandates, they opt for the retention of power at all costs and by all means. Therefore, if you happen to join a political party with ideas contrary to the hidden intentions of their leaders, you will have no chance of emerging.
In view of the above, and in order not to stifle the political vision of good governance that was growing in me, I had seen fit to create my own political party whose ideology is based on the principles of good governance.
Since the creation of this political party in December 2015, my team and I have tried to reach out to some financially wealthier people in the country and asked them to give us their financial support. Unfortunately, until now, these people have remained indifferent to our request because they have conditioned their financial support on taking the party hostage in order to use it for selfish purposes; a condition that we categorically refused.
What are your personal reasons for being a politician (and not an athlete or a businessman):
My passion for politics was influenced by a major event that marked my life as a citizen when I was even younger.
From 2005, the rebel armed groups operating in the province of North KIVU (current headquarters of our Political Party), had begun to create atrocities in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The life of the population in the territories of RUTSHURU, MASISI and WALIKALE was plunged into a state of permanent insecurity. The regular army did not ensure any consequent intervention of help to this population plunged in the disaster. Meanwhile, the political authorities who were well established, lived calmly in their air-conditioned offices, unable to stop the recurring crisis in the East. According to my analyses, the attitudes of indifference shown by our political authorities in relation to this situation clearly proved their sense of irresponsibility vis-à-vis their commitments. We even had the impression that they were complicit in the atrocities committed by these rebel movements. This revolted me so much that I made the decision to start thinking and acting differently for the future of my country.
After that, I observed for more than 5 years, that is from 2006 to 2011, the evolution of the policy of my country and I noted that our leaders were always compromised by this form of notorious irresponsibility vis-a-vis the Congolese population seriously bruised because of the bad management of public affairs which is really evident at the top of the State: the embezzlement of public funds, generalized impunity, institutionalized social disorder, the insecurity maintained in the country, especially at the 'Est,… I then ended up concluding that in the DRC, we have not yet found a political and visionary elite committed to the well-being of the people but rather opportunists. This is one more reason that pushed me to get involved in politics.
Who do you already work with? Like non-profit organizations, UNHCR or others. Describe your local network:
Currently, my great influence extends over the great city of Goma and also over the “Catholic Charismatic Renewal” movement of which I am a member. Indeed, the scope of my leadership within this movement in Goma and North Kivu is quite preponderant. I continue to work hard to expand my base.
Write a slogan that suits you best:
Wealth for all, not for certain
Always stronger
Always Autonomous